Happy Friday :) I hope you all have a fabulous weekend planned; I do ! The company my dh works for has their annual Christmas party on Saturday. On Sunday dh & I are flying to Disney World (without our children). We will miss our sweet girls, but I can't wait to see Disney World decorated for the holidays. It is a dream come true for me. And there's more...I will be meeting most of the HoneyBees in Disney World on Tuesday. Life is sweet!
The other day, a neighbor asked if I would put into a frame a prayer she wanted to give her daughter. She brought over a 4x6 frame and I suggested an 8 x 10 would be better. When I found out the daughter loves pink, I suggested a black frame; I love that color combo, don't you?
I used my own design from my Creative Liberties wall plaque I made (our vinyl challenge), to design this frame for my friend. Using WORD, I printed out the prayer to the size I wanted to display inside the frame. I had so much fun 'decorating' this and was pleased with the end result. My neighbor was so delighted and was very sweet with her compliments to me.
Looking forward to meeting June next week!!!
Good Morning all! Sorry I have been MIA this week ... been busy with shopping and other holiday things. I have nothing especially exciting to share today, just wanted to pop in and say "Hi" and let you all know I will be back on Monday with a little motivation, so stay tuned!
It's been a great week! I hope it has been for you, too. Sometimes your kids do something that really makes you feel good, and tonight my son and his wife asked if I could help them make a really unique wedding gift for a fellow firefighter. They wanted to personalize a special gift, and chose these bar glasses. We cut the name and date from vinyl, and etched a whole set of glasses. It's pretty cool when Mom gets to WOW the kids a little :)
I want to thank EAD Designs for sponsoring us this week, and hope you had a chance to check out their awesome vinyl and sticker products, as well as what the HoneyBees created! You have until next Monday night to post a BIRTHDAY CARD to be in the drawing for a $20 GIFT CERTIFICATE to EAD Designs (Link is on Wednesday's Post)!!
We are also having our spectacular winter BLOG CANDY (Shown at the TOP RIGHT of the blog). All you need to do is leave us some honey here in the hive!!! We take all of your comments, and all of our followers and subscribers and put them in the honey jar and shake 'em up (Random Drawing!) and the winner gets the goodies! The drawing will be at midnight Eastern time on December 15th! Good luck!
We hope you have a great weekend, and we'll see you back here in the hive on Monday for another Monday Motivational! Then we're off to Disney World to meet up with HoneyBee June! You'll see the pictures right here next for next Friday's Buzz, Brag and Bee Happy!
Now you get to share what you want to Brag about, or what makes you Happy this week! Leave a comment, or post a link below!! We want to know the BUZZ~~~~
and the HoneyBees
It's always nice to see my sister 'HoneyBee's' face when I open up this blog! Betty, what a sweet wedding gift!..Awesome job, as usual!
...what a great wedding gift..it looks so good...;)
OH man!!! I wish I could come!!! I guess February will have to do :) HUGS to all!
Roe & Betty, BEEutiful projects that will be treasured for years to come.
Court, you will be with us in spirit; February will be here in a blink! Thinking of you, Sweetie :)
Wanted to celebrate my fellow crafter Dotz's generousity with my Naughty or Nice tag project.
Thanks for hosting the party. Please be sure to come by and enter my fantastic year-end giveaway, too. Click the picture in my sidebar for details.
Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
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